Komaj štiri mesece po izidu, je bilo v Evropi in Latinski Ameriki prodano že pol milijona izvodov drugega albuma Tiziana Ferra »111 CENTOUNDICI«. V svoji domovini, pa je mladi pevec z novim albumom že dosegel trikratno platinasto prodajno naklado z več kot 300.000 prodanih izvodov. Uspeh albuma »111 CENTOUNDICI« je nadaljevanje uspeha prvenca »Rosso Relativo«, ki je z več kot milijon prodanih izvodov, Tiziana Ferra postavil v center pozornosti, kot enega najbolj cenjenih izvajalcev v Italiji in po svetu. Za žive nastope si je Tiziano izbral ekipo odličnih glasbenikov. Med temi Davide Tagliapeitra (električna in akustična kitara), Noochie oz. Christian Rigano (klaviature), Leonardo Di Angilla (tolkalo), Pino Saracini (bas kitara) in Andrea Fontana (bobni in tolkala). Tiziano bo na koncertih predstavil skladbe iz obeh svojih albumov. Novi single Tiziana Ferra »Non me lo so spiegare« trenutno drži 4. mesto na lestvicah Italijanskih radijskih postaj, videospot za to skladbo je med najbolj predvajanimi na MTV Italy. »Non me lo so speigare« je tretji single z albuma »111 CENTOUNDICI«. Prvi single je bil »Perverso«, drugi pa »Sere Nere«, ki je kar devet tednov kronal Italijanske glasbene lestvice. »Non me lo so speigare« je Tiziano Ferro, tako kot ostale skladbe na albumu, napisal sam. Non me lo so spiegare (i can’t figure it out) All alone I thought how useless it is to rave and think you’re feeling fine when it’s winter and you remove your warm hands, you don’t embrace me and you repeat to me that I’m great, you remind me that I live on in many things: homes, books, cars, trips, newspaper pages that even if I’m not worth anything, at least to you I allow you to dream and if you want, I also let you walk away forgive me, please, I wouldn’t ever want to disturb you but would you tell me how this is going to end? I can’t figure it out “This is a song I composed, but I didn’t really understand its’ meaning until much later. Inspired by a process of free association, I just started jotting things down. Only later did I realize that it’s dedicated to everyone who supported me and helped to make me feel important. I’m addressing them as if they were a woman and I look at what was experienced as an intense love story with its high and low points, happy times and hard times. It’s a reflection on what happened, full of hope as well as fear that it can all end. A little song about universal love that means a lot to me” Kompleten seznam koncertov: 23 march Palermo, Palauditore 26 march Naples, Palatenda 27 march Bolonia, Ruvido 30 March Biiel (SWITZERLAND), Kongresshaus 31 March Zurich (SWITZERLAND), Volkshaus 1 April Mendrisio (SWITZERLAND), Arena 2 April Geneve (SWITZERLAND), Terminal A 8 April Nova Gorica (SLOVENIA), La Perla 13 April Bruxelles (BELGIUM), Ancienne Belgique 14 April Liegi (BELGIUM), Le Forum 15 April Luxemburg, Den Atelier 17 April Cologne (GERMANY), E Werk 18 April Mannheim (GERMANY), Capitol 19 April Munich (GERMANY), Muffathalle 22 April Barcelona (SPAIN), Barcelona Teatre Musical 23 April Murcia (SPAIN), Parque del Fofo 24 April Madrid (SPAIN), Palacios de Congresos 25 April Valencia (SPAIN), Sala de la Repubblica 28 April Vienna (AUSTRIA), Gasometer 29 April Budapest (HUNGARY), Petofihalle 30 Aprile Budapest (HUNGARY), Eurokoncert Festival 5 may RomE, Palaeur 10 may Florence, Sashall 13 may Milan, Alcatraz 15 may Turin, Palastampa.